College Night at Heritage Academy
This is an opportunity for scholars and families to get more information about attending post-secondary school after high school. Scholars are given advice regarding courses taken while in high school, taking the ACT and/or SAT tests, and how to pay for and apply for college. University and College representatives are present and will give families first hand knowledge about the best way to do things as well as what their campus has to offer for potential students. Check our calendar monthly for important dates!
Heritage Academy college nights are great! I’ve been to them in the past with my teenagers and they are a convenient way to introduce the scholars to some aspects of college. I think college night is a helpful way to give college a tangible feel for the scholars. It’s beneficial to hear from the representatives from the colleges and be able to ask them questions and get suggestions. It’s helpful to hear the different scholarship options and even different opportunities among the colleges. – Parent of Heritage Academy graduate, and current H.A. Senior.