Welcome to the Maricopa Heritage Academy Parent Teacher Organization!If you are new to Heritage Academy, we want to make sure you know that all parents and teachers are automatically part of the board and are welcome at all our monthly meetings!
Meetings are generally held the 2nd Tuesday of every month.
Meetings begin at 4:00 pm in RM 115
PTO is a wonderful way to get involved. Join us!
Current Board Leadership 2024-2025:
- President: Alli Atwood
- Vice President: Sadie Barnum
- Treasurer: Tracy Pierce
- Secretary: Lindsay Owens
- Communication Officer: Celeste Hernandez
Heritage Academy PTO Leadership Duties:
President: Attends and oversees meetings and all activities. Reports to the Principal.
Vice President: Attends all meetings and activities when possible. Assists the President and board in all efforts and steps in when the President is absent. The Vice President is responsible for Constitution Night.
Secretary: Attends all meetings. Keeps Notes of meetings and activities. Assists in activities when possible.
Treasurer: Attends all meetings and keeps records of all PTO funds.
Communications officer: Attends all meetings and organizes communications between PTO leadership, parents/teachers and vendors as needed. Assists in activities when possible.
Heritage Academy PTO Committee Chairperson Duties:
The Committee Chair position is generally a 2 year position for an individual or a couple who serves in leadership over a committee of teachers and parents supporting a particular department of Heritage Academy. Currently, committee chairs are requested for Senior Nights Chair (for all departments), Fundraising Chair, and Teacher Appreciation Chair.
Attendance at monthly PTO meetings would be appreciated for Chair people.
Meetings will generally be 1-1.5 hours. We spend our time addressing the various ways we can support our new school under our different areas of interest through our planned activities and efforts. Each committee Chair will report on the efforts of their committee to meet the needs of their Department. Discussion will follow regarding ideas, solutions and proposed future activities. The PTO consists of parents and teachers of Heritage Academy Maricopa campus. Members are encouraged to participate in any meeting and activity that they are able to in order to support the mission of the Maricopa Heritage Academy PTO.
***All Heritage Academy families are asked to pay yearly PTO dues of $20. These funds contribute directly to our mission below and will be applied on an as needed basis as we progress through the PTO activities of the year.
If a family has financial hardship, they are encouraged to seek an interview with Principal Titus so she is aware of the situation and can possibly offer helpful resources.
The mission of the Maricopa Heritage Academy Parent Teacher Organization is to:
- Raise funds to assist the various Departments of Heritage Academy meet the needs of their scholar’s education when there is a gap between funds and academic needs.
- Increase communication, cooperation and participation between scholars, parents and teachers with regard to scholar activities outside the classroom.
- Nurture a supportive, enriching, social and academic environment for Heritage Scholars as well as teachers and staff.
A teacher oversees the Scholar Council and assigns two scholars to attend the PTO meetings each month.
What can you expect from your PTO this year?
We will begin the year meeting our wonderful parents at Meet the Teacher night.
We hope to help the first few days of the new school year run smoothly by assisting in traffic direction.
We will meet monthly as a board (Open to ALL parents and teachers) to discuss activities that will support our school. These meetings will usually be the 2nd Tuesday of each month (4:00 pm in RM115).
We will assist in lunch distribution.
We will hold our Constitution week activities and the Constitution Night.
We will assist with Holiday performances, concerts, and concessions.
We will offer holiday gifts to teachers and staff in December.
We will support the Scholar Council in their social and academic activities as needed throughout the year, like dances and Spirit Week.
We will hold Teacher/ Staff Appreciation Week.
We will hold elections at our May Meeting for the coming school year Board Leadership and Committee Chair Positions.
Check out our Facebook group: Parents of Heritage Academy Maricopa for information on:
- Carpooling
- Swapping used uniforms
- Upcoming activities and events
- Opportunities to volunteer
PLEASE NOTE: THIS FACEBOOK PAGE IS RUN BY PTO AND NOT SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. Please call the front office for information or questions not listed above.