• 11/22-11/23 – THANKSGIVING BREAK – no school


  • 11/30 – MOD PIZZA FUNDRAISER – see post for details

  • 11/30-12/2 – THREE MUSKETEERS SHOW – see post for details

  • 12/4 – BAND/ORCHESTRA CONCERTS – see post for details

  • 12/5-12/6 – CHOIR PERFORMANCES – see post for details

  • 12/14 – DOLLARS FOR DUDS – see post for details

  • 12/14 – DANCE PERFORMANCES – see post for details

  • 12/25-1/4 – CHRISTMAS BREAK – no school

  • 1/10-1/13 – HS FINE ARTS RETREAT – for those scholars who signed up 

  • 1/15-1/16  – CIVIL RIGHTS DAY – no school 



Our Mission Statement

Heritage Academy is dedicated to youth, their growth and development. The purpose of education is to build strong character. Strong character is reflected in strong families, strong communities and a strong nation.

While teaching the academic disciplines, Heritage Academy is dedicated to instilling into the minds and hearts of today’s youth a knowledge of and respect for the ideals and values of the great men and women of history, including those who founded the American nation.

As today’s rising generation gains an appreciation of these people of accomplishment, they will be ready to provide the selfless service to their fellow citizens and to their country which will be required in the coming years to assist in preserving America’s greatness. Heritage Academy exists to this end.

1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree

1 (14 ounce) can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk

2 large eggs

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon ground ginger

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg

½ teaspoon salt

1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust

Gather all ingredients and preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.  Whisk pumpkin puree, condensed milk, eggs, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and salt together in a medium bowl until smooth.  Pour into crust.  Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.  Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F and continue baking until a knife inserted 1 inch from the crust comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Let cool before serving. Enjoy!

Scholars, Here are some ways to get some volunteer hours in.

Check these out!



Go get some pizza before coming to watch Three Musketeers!!!

Click HERE for showtimes and tickets!

Click HERE for tickets!



THURSDAY, December 14th


On Dollars for Duds days, scholars are allowed to wear non-uniform clothing (INCLUDING JEANS) that meet Heritage Standards.  $1.00 for shirt and $1.00 for pants/shorts. Wristbands purchased for participation must be worn on your scholar’s wrist throughout the day.  Dollars for Duds is optional, and scholars do not have to participate. Money raised goes to support Scholar Council and the school activities and dances they support.

Heritage Standard means: no sleeveless or midriff shirts, even under sweaters or jackets; shorts must be 4″ from the middle of the knee and skirts must come to the middle of the knee; no pants or shorts that are ripped, torn or frayed; no leggings; no inappropriate slogans or symbols on the clothing; THIS WILL BE A SPECIAL D4Ds DAY.   PAJAMAS WILL BE ALLOWED AND SO WILL UGLY SWEATERS!

If a scholar is wearing inappropriate clothing, they will be dress coded and will need to change into uniforms we have on hand in the office.

The PTO will be offering $1 doughnuts until they are gone that Thursday morning!

Click on the flyer for tickets!

Scholar handbook:

Absences Any scholar who misses ten percent (10%) or more of classes (usually five or more per semester) in a given subject may not receive credit for that subject. This applies to all absences unless on school business. An excused absence is an absence due to illness, doctor appointment, bereavement, family emergencies and 9 suspensions not to exceed 10% of the instructional days scheduled for the school year. Heritage Academy must be notified of the absence prior to the absence or when the absence occurs by the parent or legal guardian who has custody of the student. If an absence occurs relating to any other term or condition that is not specifically designated above, the absence shall be counted as unexcused.

You can use your ECA funds for this trip.  Click HERE to find out how to pay through the ECA tax credit.

Click the flyer to sign up!

Click HERE for the itinerary, click the flyer to sign up!

Click HERE to find out how to pay through the ECA tax credit.

Click HERE to sign up


This awesome adventure is open to


Your adventure awaits!!

Dress code reminder:

Winter wear: Heritage branded outerwear can be purchased through a variety of departments on
campus. Approved outerwear bears the Heritage logo and other academic, arts, or athletic icons.

All Heritage sponsored outerwear is acceptable if approved by the campus administration. Otherwise, any solid
red, white, or navy blue sweater, sweatshirt, coat, or jacket is acceptable (the inside may be a different color than
the outside, but the inside must be solid red, white, navy blue, black, gray, or white). This outerwear may not
have any pictures, logos, or any writing on it.

Tutoring is still happening!

Currently all our parking spots have been filled. We do not anticipate having spots open for the rest of the school year.



Jade Evans is competing in the Cross Country NXR Southwest Regional Championships this Saturday this is a pretty big deal a huge compliment we wish you the best of luck Jade!  Way to represent!!!


Our JH Girls Flag Football team is on fire!  Our Lady heroes played lights out against Eduprize in a 42-7 victory. Shout outs go to Trinity McFarland for throwing touchdowns to Sincere Wyatt, Raniya Sims, Neo Horst and Del Stansbury. Lizzie O’Bar connected on a touchdown pass with our player of the game Kylie Sibley. The ladies battle Eduprize again at home tonight, 11/17 at 4:00 PM.





The high school Cornhole season started with a tournament in our own Heroes Gym on Saturday. Michael Blondin and Madilyn Ellsworth both were runners up. Madilyn won second in girls singles, Michael won second in boy singles, and together they won second in mixed doubles. It was a strong start for our team this year!

Thank you PTO for setting up this YEAR LONG fundraiser!

Use promo code:  HAM20 at


The Wrestling team has worked hard for the past two years to earn enough funds to pay for a new wrestling mat. They finally hit their goal with this past car wash. Way to instill a great work ethic Mr. Hettinger! We can’t wait to see what this year’s Wrestling Heroes can do! Maybe another state championship???

Wrestling-Car-Wash11 Wrestling-Car-Wash8 Wrestling-Car-Wash6 Wrestling-Car-Wash5 Wrestling-Car-Wash4 Wrestling-Car-Wash3 Wrestling-Car-Wash2

We had a great turnout for our Veteran’s Day Parade this year! We marched down Bowlin and Porter Roads exchanging smiles and waves. It was a great reminder of the sacrifices of those who served and continue to serve our country. It was so heartwarming to see our scholars running up to Veterans with handmade thank you notes that our scholars made during their Citizenship classes. THANK YOU, VETERANS! Thank you Heritage PTO for providing gift cards to Veterans and donating decorations. Scholar Council and Mrs. Hunt were clutch as they coordinated the making, collecting, and distributing of the thank you cards. They also woke up super early to decorate one of our school vans.   Can’t wait for next year’s parade!

Veterans-day-parade3 Veterans-day-parade

Heritage Maricopa walked from Pacana Park to school Tuesday morning. The Ruby Bridges Walk aimed to commemorate the historic journey of Ruby Bridges, a symbol of courage, and the first African American child to desegregate an all-white elementary school in 1960. Teachers and students received purple backpacks, bracelets, stickers, and flags to wear and wave during the walk. A huge thank you to PTO mom, Mrs. Risper, who coordinated the event.

We had our second High School Pep Rally!  We were introduced to the high school winter sports teams and had some fun and games. Our Advanced Dance put on a cute performance.  Things got a little crazy when it came down to Senior vs. Senior in a mad game of musical chairs.  Everyone in the stands were cheering on their favorite to win!


Another annual Powder Puff Football game in the books!  Congratulations BLACK Team, they came out with the win this year. Heritage ended up donating 303 lbs. of food to FOR Maricopa.  This week there will be  a box in the front office if you want to keep donating this week. Another huge thank you goes to PTO mom Mrs. Abercrombie who organizes this event. OUR PTO IS SIMPLY AMAZING!!!



Congratulations to these college accepted scholars!

Chloe Adams Arizona State University
Jordyn Knights Grand Canyon University, University of Lynchburg, Mississippi State University
Rachel Skousen Brigham Young University- Idaho
Grant Rasmusson Arizona State University
Andrew Lissy Arizona State University
Jaemin Hill University of Arizona

Click HERE to create an account.


CLICK HERE to check the website of The College Funding Coach

Register for the FREE educational workshop HERE

Has your high school scholar created a 4 year plan yet?

Heritage Academy offers advising to every scholar on campus. Mrs. Bocchinfuso will coach them along their college prep path, get them enrolled in college while in high school, and set up for future success!

Parents and scholars….. Do you have questions regarding college or high school planning?
Below is a list of topics that you may want to consider.

  • High school course selection
  • Early College Program – Dual enrollment, AP & CLEP
  • Earning an Associates Degree at Heritage Academy
  • ACT/SAT/PSAT (Which test and when?)
  • Financial Aid (Scholarships, Grants, Loans & FAFSA)

To schedule your appointment with Michele Bocchinfuso, please visit:



Be prepared and try to remember all of the items you will need for class, sports, and extracurriculars each day. 

We understand things happen and sometimes items get forgotten.  We have had an increase in these forgotten items, so please help remind your scholars to prepare their needed items the night before.  SCHOLAR WILL BE CALLED DOWN BETWEEN CLASSES TO PICK UP THE ITEM. WE WILL NOT DELIVER THE ITEMS TO CLASS.  Please remind your scholar to pick up the item in the front office.


Course fees for all FIRST SEMESTER classes have been assessed and are now PAST DUE . Scholars with balances will now start to be dropped from all fee-bearing classes and will not be enrolled back in for the remainder of the semester.

As a reminder, our course fees are for the class, not the sport. Even if your scholar is not playing on a competitive team, you are still responsible for paying the course fee as is listed on the course request form completed at registration.

2023-2024 COURSE FEES

MySchoolBucks is our payment system for course fees and to make purchases through the school store.

To create your account go to and follow these instructions:

  1. Click “Sign Up Free”
  2. Follow the step by step instructions to add our school and your scholars to your account.  Our district is Heritage Academy Inc.  
  3. Click on “School Store” on the top menu bar for a list of options.

  1. If you click on “Store Home” it will take you to where you can purchase items like a parking permit, pay your PTO dues, or rent your choir robes.
  2. If you click on “School Invoices” this is where your current course fees and end of year school balances from last year will be listed.  You will be able to make a payment right through this system!
  3. We only accept online payments.  No cash or checks will be accepted.


No invoices?  You must add your scholars to your account.  Click the profile icon and select “My Students.”  You may also need to add Heritage Academy as a new district if you another school on your account that uses myschoolbucks.





New scholars – CLICK HERE to make your MyHotLunchbox account


  1. Change your scholars grade level under your profile.
  2. Communicate with your scholar if you ordered lunch for them so they know to pick it up.
  3. If a lunch is ordered and not picked up during lunch time, it will be donated.
  4. If your scholar is absent, cancel the order or contact the front office if you want it saved by 10:00 am, otherwise it will be donated.
  5. If you want a friend to pick up your lunch, it must be communicated to the front office by 10:00 am so the records can be updated.  



NO OUTSIDE FOOD (fast food or delivery) is allowed.  The school does not provide a lunch if your scholar forgets.  REMIND YOUR SCHOLAR TO PACK A LUNCH.