EVERY EXISTING SCHOLAR IS REQUIRED TO RE-ENROLL BY March 1st – The re-enrollment portal is now available! CLICK HERE to complete your re-enrollment process. Directions are available HERE. If you are planning to withdraw for next year, please complete THE WITHDRAWAL REQUEST FORM.
Click HERE to sign up for the NHS blood drive!
Course fees for all SECOND SEMESTER classes have been assessed and are now PAST DUE . Scholars with balances will now start to be dropped from all fee-bearing classes and will not be enrolled back in for the remainder of the semester.
As a reminder, our course fees are for the class, not the sport. Even if your scholar is not playing on a competitive team, you are still responsible for paying the course fee as is listed on the course request form completed at registration.
MySchoolBucks is our payment system for course fees and to make purchases through the school store.
To create your account go to and follow these instructions:
- Click “Sign Up Free”
- Follow the step by step instructions to add our school and your scholars to your account. Our district is Heritage Academy Inc.
- Click on “School Store” on the top menu bar for a list of options.
- If you click on “Store Home” it will take you to where you can purchase items like a parking permit, pay your PTO dues, or rent your choir robes.
- If you click on “School Invoices” this is where your current course fees and end of year school balances from last year will be listed. You will be able to make a payment right through this system!
- We only accept online payments. No cash or checks will be accepted.
No invoices? You must add your scholars to your account. Click the profile icon and select “My Students.” You may also need to add Heritage Academy as a new district if you another school on your account that uses myschoolbucks.
Scholar handbook:
Absences Any scholar who misses ten percent (10%) or more of classes (usually five or more per semester) in a given subject may not receive credit for that subject. This applies to all absences unless on school business. An excused absence is an absence due to illness, doctor appointment, bereavement, family emergencies and 9 suspensions not to exceed 10% of the instructional days scheduled for the school year. Heritage Academy must be notified of the absence prior to the absence or when the absence occurs by the parent or legal guardian who has custody of the student. If an absence occurs relating to any other term or condition that is not specifically designated above, the absence shall be counted as unexcused.
Pizza with the Principal
These scholars were recognized for doing something good in January. Andrew Dahl, John Turcsak, Elizabeth Castillo, Christopher Mangan, Aiden Thompson, Amaya Rodriguez-Padilla, Braxton Bihr, Daniel Aguilar-Aguila, Ihsan Jamal, MeganBeth Castro, Andrea Vredugo-Peinado, Elianna Roosa, and Aiden Fritz.
The Heroes Cornhole Team had their state tournament over last weekend and did amazing! Madilyn Ellsworth won the girls singles STATE CHAMPIONSHIP and Michael Blondin and Madilyn Ellsworth won the mixed doubles STATE CHAMPIONSHIP! Sam Johnson brought home a silver medal for the boys singles and grace Atwood and Madilyn Ellsworth won the silver for the girls doubles the cornhole team won state runners up for the season! Awesome job!
Heroes Varsity Wrestling did it again! THIRD STATE CHAMPIONSHIP IN A ROW! Amazing job wrestlers! Our varsity team won 17 medals! Including these 1st place champions in their weight class: Jackson Howell, Reagan Fonner, Mason Nichols, Aiden Behnke, Lee Kondravy, Sarah Gillies, Jacky Certalic, DeAnna Gonzalez, and Gianna Chavez. Gianna was voted female wrestler of the year! Amazing job heroes and coaches! They are starting to train for next year already!
Boys and Girls Varsity Basketball had their senior night and Mr. John Hill interviewed those scholars.
Chloe Adams
After high school, Chloe plans to attend the ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism where she will get a degree in Sports Journalism. Her end goal is to be a sideline reporter for the Phoenix Suns.
Chloe’s favorite moments from the season were the after game food runs, interviewing players, and sharing the much anticipated post-game film clips of players on social media.
For Chloe, a HERO means to be diligent and always put your best foot forward. It is someone who works hard, shows compassion, and can be a great role model for those around them.
Chloe’s Quote: “Being a team manager was the best part of high school for me. I loved being a part of the basketball program and will miss everyone so much. I love everyone and wish them the best.”
Nataly Bejar
After high school Nataly plans to go to school to be a vet assistance. With lots of work and dedication, she eventually wants to become a livestock veterinarian
Nataly’s favorite memories from the season were the van rides after games.
For Nataly, being a HERO means always giving 100% in everything you do. Heroes are self-governing and kind, and are always willing to share their knowledge with others.
Nataly’s Quote: “It has been a great season being team manager. It was amazing seeing how much the guys have achieved over the season. I loved working with everyone. I know you all will go far in life.”
Jackeline Certalic (not available for interview this night)
Nathen Dahl
After high school Nathen plans to take advantage of the two free years of college through CAC. After that he plans to go into the army.
Nathen’s favorite memory from the season was beating Heritage Academy Mesa for the first time ever!
For Nathen, being a HERO is being a person that will go out of their way to help their fellow peers.
Nathen’s Quote: “Although I haven’t been here for a long time, I love the fact that we beat a team this program had never beaten before.”
Currently all our parking spots have been filled. We do not anticipate having spots open for the rest of the school year.
Hello everyone,
I’d like to share a few art pieces that were done in the Advanced Art class last week. The students chose an artist from the past to deliver a presentation on. The presentations included interesting facts about the artist as well as a recreation of one of the artist’s works! The famous artworks were recreated using only oil pastels, which were taught in Art 1. The pastels were used to recreate and match the vibrance and textures of the original paintings! They did very well, and a couple of these could even fool people into believing they are photos of the original artwork from the famous artist! Hope you enjoy them!
-Thank you, Carlos Jimenez
We do have some talented youth here at Heritage Maricopa and our talent show performances were solid! Thank you to Nelson Brock for arranging the evening.
Winter formal was a great success thanks to our amazing Scholar Council. Great refreshments, drinks, and music!
Secret valentines heart attacks. Thank you to the scholars for brightening our day! Just as Mrs. Titus tells you every day… We LOVE you!
Congratulations Brady Snitker! He scored BIG last night finally winning that half-court shot for $500 during the Girls JH Basketball game! You can see the video on Instagram @heritageptoheroes. Thank you, PTO, for sponsoring this event!
Dress code reminder:
Winter wear: Heritage branded outerwear can be purchased through a variety of departments on
campus. Approved outerwear bears the Heritage logo and other academic, arts, or athletic icons.
All Heritage sponsored outerwear is acceptable if approved by the campus administration. Otherwise, any solid
red, white, or navy blue sweater, sweatshirt, coat, or jacket is acceptable (the inside may be a different color than
the outside, but the inside must be solid red, white, navy blue, black, gray, or white). This outerwear may not
have any pictures, logos, or any writing on it.
Thank you PTO for setting up this YEAR LONG fundraiser!
Use promo code: HAM20 at
Our Heritage Maricopa English Department would like to recognize Everett Jones as the January Writing Scholar of the Month. Everett earned this award for Experience the Vietnam War. Congratulations Everett!
Click HERE to create an account.

Heritage Academy offers advising to every scholar on campus. Mrs. Bocchinfuso will coach them along their college prep path, get them enrolled in college while in high school, and set up for future success!
Parents and scholars….. Do you have questions regarding college or high school planning?
Below is a list of topics that you may want to consider.
- High school course selection
- Early College Program – Dual enrollment, AP & CLEP
- Earning an Associates Degree at Heritage Academy
- ACT/SAT/PSAT (Which test and when?)
- Financial Aid (Scholarships, Grants, Loans & FAFSA)
To schedule your appointment with Michele Bocchinfuso, please visit:
Be prepared and try to remember all of the items you will need for class, sports, and extracurriculars each day.
We understand things happen and sometimes items get forgotten. We have had an increase in these forgotten items, so please help remind your scholars to prepare their needed items the night before. SCHOLAR WILL BE CALLED DOWN BETWEEN CLASSES TO PICK UP THE ITEM. WE WILL NOT DELIVER THE ITEMS TO CLASS. Please remind your scholar to pick up the item in the front office.
New scholars – CLICK HERE to make your MyHotLunchbox account
- Change your scholars grade level under your profile.
- Communicate with your scholar if you ordered lunch for them so they know to pick it up.
- If a lunch is ordered and not picked up during lunch time, it will be donated.
- If your scholar is absent, cancel the order or contact the front office if you want it saved by 10:00 am, otherwise it will be donated.
- If you want a friend to pick up your lunch, it must be communicated to the front office by 10:00 am so the records can be updated.
NO OUTSIDE FOOD (fast food or delivery) is allowed. The school does not provide a lunch if your scholar forgets. REMIND YOUR SCHOLAR TO PACK A LUNCH.